Sunday, January 16, 2011

We're on a roll...

We have a plethora of crayons floating around our house, in my diaper bag & strewn around my car at any given time, and really, I was tired of it. I have seen plenty of crayon holders around, but I wanted one small enough to carry in my diaper bag at all times without being bulky. That, and I have a growing stash of fun fabrics just begging to be made into something. So as you can see, I got a wee bit carried away and made a few dozen of these for both boys & girls. They'll come in handy for last minute gifts for special little friends.


  1. l-o-v-e this janelle! keep're on a roll :-) xoxo

  2. So cute! I'm thinking I need 2

  3. Kaye, let me know & you can swing by anytime & pick out what ones you want- plenty of different fabrics to choose from! $10 each.
