Wednesday, February 15, 2012

crochet for the babies...

 I always like to challenge myself with creating new things, and these blankets are a great example of that. I wanted to learn a new crochet stitch or two & be disciplined enough to follow a pattern for something. Both of these blankets are made from a basic shell stitch, but with different colored yarns, so you can see either more or less of the pattern. They were time consuming, but turned out to be some of my favorite projects, reinforcing the idea again that some things just take time. I found myself picking these projects up every night to relax with as we watched movies or tv together as a family. There's something very therapeutic & relaxing to crochet the same stitch pattern over & over.
Anyway, these blankets have both been given as gifts for two sweet babies making their appearance in the next few weeks or so. They are super soft & a good size to fit right in the carseat or stroller during  brisk morning walks.


  1. Would love to have the pattern for this blanket? Love it-especially the orange one!

  2. Hi Irene,
    I am not sure what pattern I used for the blankets. I think it was some sort of Shell or V stitch using crochet.
